Devouring love Page 7
My brother came back to my cabinet. He remembered me how late it was. I didn't argue with him and soon I found myself at my home, at my warm bed. For the first time I didn't fall asleep immediately. Before I was taken away into nothing, I dreamt. In a dream I was holding someone's hand. I felt good having other's body warm against my skin.
I lifted my eyes up and met two blue eyes. It was strange to see Melody in my dreams, standing next to me and smiling. In reality she couldn't smile, but I didn't doubt that her smile would look exactly like the one in my dream.
“Come. It's time,” she said and pulled my hand to her. I nodded and walked with her forward. I quickly scanned the area. We were standing in the park. I could see a small lake not far away from us. Some water lilies were floating on the water surface.
“They are beautiful,” she whispered as she noticed where I was staring.
I nodded. Those flowers were really wonderful.
“But not as beautiful as you,” I heard myself saying. She smiled and quickly landed a small kiss on my cheek.
“Unless we hurry, we will be late,” she pulled my hand again.
I nodded and now I was following her without letting my eyes observe the surroundings.
“Where are we going?” I asked her.
“That's funny,” she said. “You perfectly know where are we going.”
“No, I don't,” I shook my head. I really didn't know where we were going, but I was eager to find out.
She stopped and let her eyes meet mine. I soon found myself sinking in them. I didn't want her to look anywhere else; only at me. Her face soon was covered with a huge and sincere smile. She seemed so beautiful. I knew I could stand here forever and just stare at her.
“It's a dream,” I said and took a small step back.
She shook her head, still smiling.
“It isn't a dream,” she whispered and put her fingers on my cheek. Her touch was warm. I was sure about that. I could even smell roses spreading from her clothes, skin... It was driving me crazy for some reason.
“You ...are still...” she didn't let me finish my sentence, because her soft and warm lips joined mine into one, long kiss. What was the weirdest thing, everything seemed so real, but I knew that this girl was in the hospital, laying still like she was a statue.
I kissed her back in the dream. And that was another surprising thing for me. I kissed Melody in my dream and I liked that. I didn't want to end this kiss, but she retreated soon and look at me with a smile which revealed her white teeth.
“It seemed real enough for me,” she whispered, letting her hand drop from my face to my waist. It felt so good to feel her hand on my body despite the fact that it was not real. But if it was a dream, I had another question then. Why was I dreaming all this?
“Why are we here?” I asked her again.
She laughed.
“Because we are celebrating, my dear,” she said with a smile in her voice.
“Celebrating what?” I was so curious for some reason. I wanted to know everything what was happening in this weird dream.
Melody rolled her eyes in the teasing way. I didn't do anything, just stood patiently, waiting for her to speak. She opened her mouth, but I couldn't hear anything coming out from it. Suddenly I got panicked. I saw that her lips were moving, but none of the sound came out. And then I opened my eyes. I found myself in my bed, in my apartment. It wasn't dark outside anymore. I quickly checked the clock on my night table. It was showing me that it was 9 a.m. I should wake up, eat something and then go to hospital where I would see Melody.
It was really strange to see her in my dream and especially acting like that. She kissed me, touched me and I liked that.
I shook my head. It was only a dream and Melody was one of people which I had to heal. Nothing special, nothing more. Plus, she had a boyfriend who loved her more than himself.
In the end I admitted to myself that it was a stupid dream and I should forget it. Unfortunately, the same minute I came inside her room, the dream attacked me, letting me feel her touch against my skin again, her lips next to mine.
“This time you are earlier,” I heard Merdian saying. I needed some seconds to realize that I was not alone in the room with Melody. There was also her boyfriend who was sitting on the bed and staring to the sleeping beauty.
“Would you like me to go out?” I asked instead of replying to his words. I knew better than try to get him angry.
“No,” he said simply. “I would like you to wake her up,” he added with a strange edge in his voice. It was a clear sign for me that excitement from other day had already vanished from his body, mind. He wanted me to do the same miracle again and I didn't know how to do that. Yet.
I glanced at him, than let my eyes return to Melody. Nothing had changed since I saw her the last time. That somehow made me sadder. I really wanted to help this little creation.
“You know that I am doing everything what I can,” I understood what I said only when the words had already left my mouth.
“I don't believe it,” and he stood up, came slowly closer to me. Our faces were only a few inches apart. I didn't like to be so close to this guy, but I didn't dare to step back, proving him that I was afraid of him.
“You know that you can hire another doctor,” I challenged him. Even if he had money, he didn't have right to behave with me like that. I was a person, I was a doctor and if he didn't like me, he could put someone else in my place. But did I want that? No. I wanted to help that girl. I really wanted to do that.
“Don't tempt me, because maybe I will do that,” he said in a whisper and went out from the room, leaving me and that girl alone. I sighed. That Merdian was really something. He knew he had power, money, good looks and so on. He was a spoiled child and he always wanted to have what he desires. And the worst thing, he would do everything to have it.
There were times when I wanted to be in his place; have everything what I wanted. But now, meeting a person like him... I didn't know if I still wanted to be in his place. I wanted to be...just a human with a life.
I approached closer to the girl. I didn't resist temptation and put my fingers on her arm. It felt so right to touch her and I was afraid of that. I shouldn't feel anything to her, particularly something like this; attraction.
I quickly removed my fingers and put my hands into the smock pockets. She was only a patient. Nothing more. So, I should kill whatever feelings were starting to grow in me for her.
I took a deep breath and walked out from the room. I should find my brother and discuss some things with him. I should repeat what had happened previous day to check out if my theories where right. And if so, soon this girl would be out from this place in which she had to be for two years.
I found Nick in the corridor chatting with a nurse whom I didn't know, but I saw her a lot of times in the corridors. From my brother's face expression I knew it wasn't just a simple chat with the hospital staff. He was making a move on one of the nurses. My typical brother.
“Nick,” I said in a serious tone, giving him a clear sign that I was in mood to play his games.
My brother glanced at me. His eyes darkened, proving me that his mood had just shifted not to my benefit. But lucky for him, I didn't care if he was angry with me or not. It was my hospital, not a club where he could flirt with girls.
“Yea,” he said, not hiding irritation in his voice.
“Come with me. I need to talk with you in person,” I said and stole a glance at the nurse which was standing and watching this entire situation like it was some kind of interesting movie.
“Okay,” he said reluctantly and quickly said something in a whisper to his new friend. She grinned and nodded. I didn't like to be witness of this moment, but I decided it would only for the best if I keep my mouth shut.
“What do you want?” Nick asked me when we were making our way to the cabinet. From his tone was clear to me that I had interrupted something really important to him.
“I want
to talk with you about ...what happened yesterday,” I found myself uncomfortable, but I knew I needed to start this topic.
I opened the cabinet door and let Nick come inside. Without any doubt he walked in. I came after him and closed the door.
“I was just joking around,” he started explaining, but I didn't need to hear that. We both knew that I wanted to talk not about his lack of manners.
“I need you to do that again,” I said as I took a seat over the table.
His eyes looked at me with surprise. He didn't believe his own hearing and I couldn't blame him for that.
“Why?” it was all he managed to ask and also took a seat.
“Because it helped to wake her somehow,” I explained simply. My eyes were staring at my hands. I didn't want to meet my brother's eyes, because something in me said I won't be happy seeing his face.
“You want me...” he stopped. He seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.
“Yes. Tomorrow. We will repeat your little talk and see if it could work again.”
“And what if it...does?” he asked carefully.
I shrugged.
“Then we will have done my job.”
“Never trust a devil,” my mother liked to say when she was still alive and spent a lot time with me. I remembered when she took me to the park and we both sat not far away from the lake. She was wearing a white long dress.
“Why?” I asked.
Back then I heard a lot of people talking about devils, demons and so on, but no one of them actually believed that they still existed, although angels were alive.
“Because they are not like us,” my mother simply answered. “Devils want things which they can't ever have.”
“What kind of things?”
“They don't want to hurt people,” my mother said. “They want things which are forbidden for them to have.”
“And it is?”
“Love. Devils don't love anyone and because of that they want it. Humans think that devils like to do bad stuff, for example, kill people, and make chaos. But they don't do these things. People are good at doing those things themselves.”
“And what do angels want, mother?”
She rewarded me with a tiny smile.
Back then I didn't understand why angels wanted to have control over something. But now I did, because I wanted to control my life, my decisions. I wanted to be a queen of my little world. My mother was right saying that angels needed power.
Next day I found Merdian in my cabinet. He was sitting in silence, his eyes staring at one spot on the wall. I could see black circles under his eyes. He didn't sleep this night. I couldn't too. I spent all my night reading books, but none of them had what could tell me anything about Melody's condition and that was driving me insane.
“Good morning,” I heard myself saying as I sat in front of him.
“Your brother told me about your little experiment which you are going to do today,” he said in a cold voice.
“Do want us to forbid it?” I asked carefully. I knew that I didn't need his permission. After all, I was just doing my job and I had all kind of permissions, but it seemed right to ask Merdian if he was good with it.
“I want to be in the room during it,” he said and slowly turned his eyes at me.
I gulped and nodded. I knew better than say no to him at that moment. And plus, he was her boyfriend who loved her even when she was in this condition.
“But I must warn you that the method I will use could be...inappropriate, “ it was hard for me to tell him that my brother would say... I couldn't even in my thoughts to tell that to myself, so what about saying it to Merdian Spring, a person who was younger that me, but had more power than I would ever have.
“If it works, I don't care,” he said simply and stood up. I nodded and quickly turned my eyes away from him. I didn't want for our eyes to meet.
“Could I ask you something?” I suddenly asked.
“Have you ever thought that maybe you should...should let her go?” I asked as carefully as I could. I had known before I said the question that his reaction would be a good one, but I was just curious. I just wanted to know the answer.
“The answer to your question is no. I have never thought about that and I am not going to,” he said in a low voice, giving me a clear sign that should remember who he was and control my tongue.
I nodded, proving him that I got the hint.
“Great,” he said, crossing his hands against his chest. A few times he glanced at my table, like trying to find something on it, but when he didn't, he took a deep breath. I dared to look straight at his face. I could see on it his sadness and hope. I didn't need to guess what kind of hope he had and to whom it was directed.
I didn't know how long we both sat in my cabinet, surrounded by silence. We both didn't know what else we could say to each other. It was so strange for to be with someone and don't know how to start a conversation which could let us both forget our problems.
Someone knocked on my cabinet door. Merdian and I turned our eyes at the person who dared to enter inside. That he was my brother. He seemed to be in a good mood, but when he noticed Merdian and me sitting like someone had just died, he erased his smile and pretended to be serious.
“Good day, Mr. Spring and Mr. Offman. I was informed that you were searching for me,” my brother said in a formal tone.
At least he knows when he had to be polite, I thought sarcastically in my mind.
I stood up and nodded. Merdian also stood up, but that was the only thing which proved that he was still alive and not some kind of decoration of my cabinet.
“Yes, I was looking for you. Do you remember our conversation?” he didn't dare to answer to my question. Nick stole a glance at Merdian. I could see in my brother's eyes that he was confused. He didn't know if he could start revealing details of that little talk.
I nodded, encouraging him. I didn't care if he told Merdian about my plan or not. After all, I was thinking myself to tell Mr. Spring about my intentions.
“Yes,” he finally replied. “I have a good memory,” he tried to put a happy smile on his face, but he didn't succeed. His smile reminded me a smile full of pain and fear.
“Mr. Spring wants to be in the room during our... experiment,” I said and took some steps toward my brother. I didn't glance at Merdian, because I knew that I would see; his pain would be written on his face.
“Please, check if everything is ready. I don't want any...problems,” I finished and nodded to myself.
Nick seemed confused at first, but then nodded and quickly walked out from the room.
After twenty minutes I was standing in front of not moving Melody. Merdian was standing behind me. I told him that I had a guess that Melody might hear everything and I needed her to believe that she was only with me and my brother Nick, who was standing on the other side of the bed and stealing glances at me, asking if I was really sure about my plan. I could bet that he would pleasure leave this room if I let him. But won't say him a word, giving him a faint hope that he could abandon my experiment.
“Nick,” I said in a whisper.
He frowned. He knew what I was asking from him and he gated that.
“You know,” he started,” I have made my mind. I want to play with her a little. Maybe you could leave this room?” he tried to sound as natural as he could, but I still noticed that his voice trembled and his eyes always were trying to detect Merdian's emotions.
“I think I could ...give you permission,” I said, turning my eyes at Melody. She didn't move a bit, but I hoped she would soon.
Nick rolled his eyes and stole a glance at Merdian, who stood still and pretend to be a statue. I could only imagine what he felt hearing my brother saying those words, because I would be really mad and wanting to beat that person who said it to the death.
I shook my head, trying to throw those thou
ghts from my head. I should think about my job, and not about how I should act hearing my brother saying those words.
“You know me,” Nick begun,”I like to explore woman's body first,” he let his fingers touch Melody's bare arm.
I noticed the corner of my eye that Merdian was controlling himself from doing or saying something.
I tried to concentrate on the sleeping beauty, but it was hard thing for me to do. My eyes, like they had their own mind, always glanced at Nick or Merdian.
“Then I would like to slip my fingers under her robe,” Nick continued his speech.
I felt urge to touch Melody. I didn't fight it and soon my fingers touched her other bare arm. It was so good to feel her skin against my fingers, although it was too cold for a human being.
“After that I would gently let my fingers...” Nick didn't need to finish his sentence, because our goal was reached; Melody's eyes opened widely and she said NO so loudly that everyone in this room heard it. Her scared eyes were scanning the room and made a short pause when they met someone's.
“Melody,” Merdian whispered and let himself step those steps which separated him from her.
The girl's eyes stared at Merdian while he touched her cheek with his fingers. But I didn't let him to enjoy this, because I needed to make sure she won't fall back into her sleep.
I pushed Merdian away and quickly injected some medicine in her body which had to help her to stay awake.
Merdian wasn't happy of my behavior, but I didn't care what he liked and hated at that moment. I was just doing my job. At least I was saying that in my mind, although in reality I doubted that I did that because of my job. This girl which I saw only sleeping, had some kind of effect on me. Why?
“Fight,” I said to the girl when she turned her eyes slowly at me. I saw in her eyes that she was surrendering to her sleep.
“Yes,” she whispered and took a deep breath.
“Melody,” I heard Merdian saying her name again.
I glanced at the computers, trying to detect some kind of danger, but everything seemed normal: her brain activity, blood circulation and so on. Nothing gave me any reason to be alarmed. Unfortunately, I was.