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Devouring love Page 6

  I only could imagine how my life could become easier if Melody opens her eyes. Merdian really would be happy about that, fame... This was my chance and I must not blow it away.

  Someone knocked at the door. I lifted my eyes from the books and looked at the girl who came inside. I needed some seconds to remember who she was. Chelsea entered into the room. In her hand was a cup of coffee.

  “Hi,” she said in a cheerful tone. I nodded. “I thought you will need one,” she said, putting a shy smile on her face as she put the cup on the table and took a seat in front of me. “I heard what had happened to your patient. I am happy that nothing bad... happened,” she bit her lower lip. I tried not to stared at her and quickly lowered my eyes to the book.

  “Yea, tough night,” I said casually. “Mr. Spring almost ripped me into pieces. He thinks I am the main reason why it have happened in the first place,” I said, not hiding my anger.

  “But it isn't your fault. The guard left his place,” Chelsea tried to cheer me up.

  “I just don't get that family. They didn't call to the police. They just simply... walked with that woman.”

  “Katherine, isn't she?” I nodded. I was surprised she knew that woman's name. “She had tried to give poisons to that poor girl before.”

  “How do you know that?” I glanced at her face only to see how her cheeks got on fire.

  “Mr. Spring's girlfriend is really interesting thing to talk about when we don't know what to do. Didn't you read about her in newspapers?” I shook my head. Was she so popular that media wrote about her?

  “Should I?”

  “Well, I think you should. That girl... Melody?” I nodded. “Well she doesn't move, she can't even breath without computers. She is...dead. Above all, no one knows what happened. According to papers, during the ball for her honor, she was found in her room. She was laying on the floor in white dress on which was red liquid. Maybe wine? Media didn't write about that.”

  “You want to say that maybe it was...”

  She shrugged.

  “There are guesses, of course. Some says that there was a girl who wanted Merdian, but he made sure that everyone could understand that he was madly in love with Melody. So, that girl gave her something.”

  “But maybe Melody did it to herself?” I wondered.

  “In her place I wouldn't do that to myself,” Chelsea confessed. “Her parents were rich and after their deaths everything devolved to her and her sister. Also, she was in love with the most powerful and richest person. Not to mention, good looking man who only saw her. I can't understand why she should do such kind of thing to herself; not dead and not living. It's scary.”

  I nodded. It was really unreasonable to do something like that to yourself. In her place no one would do it.. So, something gave her something? Why didn't anyone mention that kind of thing it was? Why wasn't it written down?

  “What else do you know about her?” I wanted to find out more about Melody Watts. It was strange that my curiosity appeared only now. I should have made this kind of research days ago.

  “Not much. She wasn't of those people who like to be in public.”

  Shy, the word crossed my mind.

  “Great,” I said a little annoyed. “Thank you for the coffee.”

  “No problem,” she stood up, although her eyes proved me that she didn't want to leave me. She would stay and talk more with me, but I didn't need any kind of distraction. Not even a woman's. “See you later,” and she was gone.

  I sighed. I knew I was sacrificing my own life for things which didn't matter a lot in life, but I didn't have another choice. I had to work.

  Soon I found myself surfing the Net, searching for drugs which could do this kind of thing to a human. But there weren't any kind of those things. Of course, there were drugs which could put you to one long sleep, but not in that kind of sleep which Melody was in.

  I stopped searching for information when someone knocked at the door again. It wasn't Chelsea this time. It was Merdian. With him was a small girl who walked gallantly into the room. Although she didn't look like her sister, I still found some similarities, for example, her eyes. They were blue.

  I stood up. I needed some time to understand why that girl was with him here. I remembered that Merdian promised to bring Melody's sister, but after what had happened today... I thought he won't do that.

  “This is Annabelle,” Merdian said. The girl grinned and walked closer to me. She lifted her small hand for me to shake it.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said and touched her hand.

  “I brought her to you,” Merdian said in a serious tone. The girl glanced at him. In her face I noticed not fear, but sadness.

  “Great,” I nodded. “But before we...” I didn't know if I should tell him my discovery. Something deep inside me was warning me not to say him a word for some reason. I decided not to listen to that voice. “I have something to tell you in person,” Merdian frowned, but still nodded.

  “Annabelle, wait for me in the corridor.”

  “Okay,” she said in her sweet voice and soon was out from the room.

  “Don't tell me that Melody's condition is worse,” he warned me.

  “No,” I shook my head. “After you left, something happened,” I decided not to lie, but also, I didn't want to tell him everything. It would be only for the best if the part about my brother would be cut from the story. “Something interesting.”

  “And that is?”

  “She opened her eyes,” I said and lowered my face.

  “She did what?” I heard a joy in his voice. I glanced at him. Merdian was smiling. My news brought happiness into his life. I should be flattered, but I felt only worse. I had just given him hope. What could happen when I kill it? Maybe I had to listen to my inner voice.

  “She opened her eyes, Mr. Spring. Her heart beats and brain activity were normal. Is is a huge achievement-”

  “How? What did you do?” he cut me off. He wanted to know what I did to wake her up.

  “It was only a temporary thing. I don't know if it wasn't some kind of reflect or another thing. She is now in the same condition as she have been before.”

  “How?” he was eager to know and I wasn't wishing for him to find out.

  “Maybe it... because of what happened this night,” I said. “Maybe if it has affected her somehow. I don't know the main reason, Mr. Spring, but that doesn't stop me from trying to find out. I just wanted you to know ... about that.”

  “It's a good sign. She will come back to me.”

  I didn't say anything. He still won't listen to anything I say. He was now in his own little world. It was sad to see this young man in this condition. I wondered, why didn't he just move one? After all, he was a young, really good looking person. He could find another girl. So why was he so determined to bring her back?

  It's love, I said in my mind.

  “We will see,” I said in the end and waved my hand for Merdian to leave the room. We both walked out to the corridor where we found Annabelle talking with some nurses.

  It was really sad to know that this little girl had lost her parents and her sister at this age. I wouldn't wish anyone to have this fate.

  The girl looked at me and our eyes met. It almost seemed to me like she could hear my thoughts, because soon she said what I wasn't expecting to hear.

  “Everything will be fine,” and took Merdian's hand.

  The Spring didn't say anything. His smile only grew wider on his face. I really shouldn't have given him that vain hope.

  We all walked inside the Melody's room. The sun was shining through the window, making this room to seem a bit warmer and nicer place. But when my eyes saw Melody, the room became suddenly cold.

  The girl let go Merdian's hand and ran toward the bed. She jumped on it, put her little head on her sister's chest.

  “Melody,” Annabelle said and let her little fingers to touch her sister's cheek.

  Merdian sat on other side and took Me
lody's hand into his palm. He didn't seem sad as previous time. He was happy and proud.

  “Hi, my love,” he said and lifted her pale hand closer to his lips. I turned my eyes away. I didn't want to witness that.

  “Melody, can you hear me?” the girl asked suddenly. I looked at her. Annabelle's face shone from hope to see some kind of sign from her sister. But Melody didn't move, the numbers on the screen didn't change.

  “Mr. Spring, could you leave me with the girls?” I asked politely.

  Merdian glanced at me and nodded reluctantly. He would rather stay in this room, but he decided to do what I asked. He wanted to have his beloved in his life again and my news about her small performance this day was a sign that I was good at doing my job.

  “I will wait in the corridor,” he said and left the room.

  I walked closer to the bed. I tried to ignore looking at Melody's blank face, but it was difficult. I wanted to stare at it. Even to touch it.

  “She will wake up. I know that,” Annabelle announced and looked at me. Our eyes met again. “You will help her to defeat him.”

  Him? I didn't understand this. I was about to ask her what she had in mind by saying that, but she jumped from the bed and took my hand. She placed it on Melody's hand.

  “Can you feel it?” the girl asked. She wanted to show me something, but I was too stupid to realize what she was trying to tell me. I just shook my head.

  “She is warm,” the girl announced in a happy face. “Don't tell Merdian about that. He won't like to hear that. And I bet, Melody wouldn't want to make him angry.” and then she just simply walked away. She didn't intend to stay in this room and do what I wanted from her. That was... interesting. But not her actions made an effect, but the words. What was she saying that? And why?

  I looked at Melody. She still in the same condition. Nothing had changed. Then I lowered my eyes at where my fingers touched her arm. It really seemed to be warmed. No. That Annabelle was just talking nonsense. But why should she do that?

  That was one strange family. Did I find out why it was so out of ordinary? The answer was no, but I really would like to know why this girl was here. What had happened to her?


  “You look stunning,” Merdian said and let his hand to snake around my waist. I giggled. I loved to feel his touch, to know that he wanted me more than anything else in this world. I wanted him too. And maybe I would have him at my room, but there was a ball in which I had to come. After all, it was supposed to be my ball.

  “You look too,” I said and kissed his lips. My hands themselves found a way around his neck.

  “In the next ball you will be my wife,” he said when he broke our kiss.

  Something in me changed after hearing those words. Wife... My wife... Girlfriend...was suitable word for me. I liked to hear him calling me like that, but the word wife... It had more power than the girlfriend and I was scared of that power. Was it a good thing to feel a little scared? I would have ask my mother, but she wasn't with me anymore. I was alone with my decisions.

  “Yes,” I forced myself to open my mouth and said that word when I noticed that Merdian was waiting for my reply. “Next time we will give oaths to each other and be destined to be together forever.”

  Yes, that was why I was scared of that word. Oaths and forever. Saying him that I would love him forever, that I trusted him my soul and my body, would have let him be the king of my life. I could hear his thoughts, my body would crave for his touch... Our souls would be one. One beat...One life... One destiny... It was the reason why my mother and father were dead. It not the oath, one of them would be with me now.

  “I will meet you downstairs,” he said and let me taste his lips one more time before I was left alone in the room.

  I walked closer to the mirror and stared at my reflection. The destiny itself was mocking from me. My hair was white like snow and now I was wearing a white dress. It almost seemed like my wedding was today.

  I tried to grip myself. I knew that I one day I would belong to Merdian, to the prince of angels, because my parents made a great deal. But still, something deep inside me hoped that maybe Merdian would say no to me and I would be free from this arranged marriage. Then I wouldn't need to fight with myself.

  “I need time,” I whispered and closed my eyes.

  “My angel needs time?” a familiar voice touched my ears. I opened my eyes and scanned the room. I saw Marcus in front of me, standing, grinning. He was looking exactly the same as I saw him previous time.

  “I am not your angel,” I said in an angry tone. “What are you doing here? How...”

  “Hush, my angel,” he step closer to me and put his finger on my lips. He was too close to me. I wanted him to walk back, but he didn't do that, and when I tried to create some distance between us, he just walked forward.

  “What do you want?” I said suddenly alarmed. I knew that the house was protected. The Spring family was really serious about the protection system. They didn't want anyone to come in the house without their knowledge.

  “To help my angel. You need time? I could give you some time.”

  I frowned. He was a lunatic or something? How had he managed to get inside the house? How did he know where I lived? He must have followed me the other day. I didn't like to know that.

  “Get out before I start screaming,” I threaten him.

  He shook his head and took one small step back.

  “I have what you need,” he pulled out a small bottle. I took a look at it in his hand. I didn't understand what he was offering me. “You just need to drink it all and you will have time to make your decision about your husband,” he explained me.

  “How will it give me time?” I wasn't interested, but I was curious and that was what pushed me into the territory which I shouldn't have wanted to explore. Curiosity killed the cat.

  “You will sleep and when you decide what to do with the wedding, you will open your eyes.”

  “What is in for you?” I didn't understand why the demon wanted to help me.

  “When you will wake up, I will come and take my payment. Don't be scare,” he said, letting his fingers run on my face. “I won't ask from you what could harm you,” he promised but was it possible to trust the demon.

  I hadn't known the answer back then, but I knew one now. Never trust the demon even if he was gorgeous.

  “Why are you offering me that?”

  “Because I want to help my angel,” he said, leaning to me and letting now his lips to touch my cheek. “You smell fantastic, my angel.”

  I moved away from him, frowned in disgust.

  I knew I shouldn't accept his offer, but I wanted time. So, who was I to decline this opportunity? I nodded and he gave me the bottle. But before he left me alone, he did one thing which I would be ashamed of for all my life.

  “And to seal our deal,” he locked his lips with mine before I had even had an opportunity to understand what he was doing.

  I felt how electricity crossed my body. My wings inside me moved, asking me to let them out, but I didn't do that.

  Marcus stepped back.

  “Great,” he said and quickly moved towards the door. I was left alone in the room. I was totally confused. What had just happened here?

  I glanced at the little bottle in my hand. It was the proof that I had made a deal with the devil. So, another question was, would I find enough strength to trust him and accept that liquid into my body?


  Merdian wasn't eager to leave the hospital soon. He had spent four hours next to Melody's bed, saying words which were only words, but I could hear everything in them: love, sadness, lust, desire, hope, anger...

  Annabelle didn't like to be with her sister in one room. She confessed me that she felt like being in one room with a corpse. It was sad to hear her saying things like that, but at the same time I perfectly understood her.

  “If you like, you can play games on the Internet,” I offered Annabelle. She shook
her head.

  “I prefer playing games in real life. Games on the internet are boring. Do you have cards?” she asked and started looking around, searching for cards which weren't here.

  “Sorry, but no,” I replied. I wasn't used to be with small children. I didn't know how to behave with them.

  “That's bad,” she crossed her hands against her chest and frowned in that cute children's way.

  I put a small smile on my face. I started imagining myself as being a father. I hoped that one day I would have a chance to be one, but I didn't know if I be able to give a child what he needed if my job be like this. And plus, if you wanted a child, you have to have a wife and there were a problem; I didn't have even a girlfriend.

  “You will be a good father,” the girl suddenly said. I shot a look at her. Was I thinking out loud? No. So, how...

  “You can read thoughts or what?” I asked her in a teasing voice.

  The girl shrugged. She took a pen and a blank paper and started drawing. At first it was only a huge circle. Then I could see that she was drawing eyes, nose, lips... It was a face of her imagined person.

  I soon lost interest in her drawing and started doing my job. I took a book and started reading it. The book was about various drugs which could help me keep Melody eyes opened.

  “My sister will help you,” Annabelle said after some minutes. “She wants to leave that darkness,” she continued.

  I looked at her with narrowed eyes. This girl was not normal. That was clear to me. Maybe it was some kind form of trauma. It would be reasonable why she acted like this.

  “I will try to help her,” I promised and I almost believed that I could really bring her sister back to her.

  “I know you will,” she looked at me and smiled. Then the door opened and Merdian entered inside. Without saying a word, he waved his hand for Annabelle to follow him. The girl nodded and walked out the room. I was left alone in silence which didn't bother me.

  I took a look at Annabelle's painting. For my surprise, it was better than I hoped. She had drawn a man's face. I didn't like how that man look liked. I put Annabelle's painting into my drawer. I felt instantly better when that man's face was out from my eyes. I had no idea why it affected me so strongly, but it just did.