Devouring love Read online

Page 8


  It was so strange to see Merdian in front of me. He looked older, but still handsome. In his eyes I saw pain, but it now was mixed with happiness. I knew how much he loved me. After all, I could hear. This was the only thing which I could do all these years.

  I also saw my doctor. He was standing on my right and studying me with a careful eyes. I knew why he was so focused on me; he was doing his job. I wanted to believe that I was nothing to him; only his patient, but why I could feel only his touch. And why now? Who was he?

  I heard him saying me to fight the darkness which decided it was about time me got back to its embrace. I was tired and week, so I decided to surrender, but after him telling me to fight...then something hit me...strength? I didn't want to close my eyes and lose the colors...and what was the most important...his eyes. I had to say, I liked his eyes.

  “Melody,” Merdian was repeating my name over and over. I heard so much love in that one word. I loved him too. He was my universe, my second piece, soulmate.

  “Everything seems right,” I heard my doctor saying. He quickly injected something in my body again. I felt a rush of energy again. He was giving me strength to fight against my best friend and enemy – the darkness.

  For the first time in all this misery I felt hope that maybe this would be the day when everything could change. Maybe she would be awake again and could live.

  “Stay awake, Miss Watson,” my doctor said.

  I tried to nod, show him that I would try to do what he asked me for, but it was hard to move my head.

  And to make things worse, I felt how his fingers vanished from my arm. I wanted to feel his touch, but I swallowed my wish. He was only my doctor, not a friend or a brother...a boyfriend.

  The doctor turned his eyes to Merdian, which was seeing only me.

  “Mr. Spring, please, we need you to leave this room.”

  Merdian frowned hearing a request to leave me alone when I had finally opened my eyes. I was back to life. Did my doctor really think he would leave?

  To my surprise, he reluctantly nodded and walked out from the room. I was left alone with my doctor and that...other guy which I hated... but maybe I should be grateful? My eyes were opened only when his dirty mouth was on its job.

  “Don't be afraid. Everything will be okay,” my doctor said and I believed him.


  For two days everyone had to make sure that Melody Watson wouldn't fall into her sleep. Everything seemed alright for now. Melody was awake and her body was recovering from that long sleep, although it would take days or maybe even years until she could do whatever she wanted.

  Merdian was coming every day, spending hours with her in the room, but she only watched him in silence. She didn't speak, although everyone tried to force her to speak. Sometimes I wondered if she understood about what we were talking. Maybe something was wrong with her brains.

  I took a deep breath and walked out from my cabinet. I decided to check my patient. I wanted to see her. Although I spent those two days with her, I still wanted to look at her beautiful face. I doubted that I would stop admiring her face, her eyes...

  There were more guars next to her room. The Spring family wanted to keep Miss Melody safe. I wondered, who else would want to hurt this girl and why.

  I walked inside the room in which was only a nurse, making sure that everything would be okay. Although everything seemed right, I was still worried that Melody could close her eyes and never wake up.

  “Please, leave,” I said politely.

  The woman nodded and left the room, leaving me along with my patient.

  Melody turned her eyes at me, but didn't say anything. She seemed so vulnerable and so beautiful. Now I understood why Merdian didn't want to have another girl in his life. After all, who would want to have an average girl when you can have a goddess.

  I took some steps closer to her bed. She hadn't even winked. I was really eager to hear her voice.

  “How do you feel, Miss Watson?” I asked her, hoping she would answer. But, unfortunately, she remained silence and that was my new problem. I needed to make her talk, to make sure she was alright.

  “I would really be happy if you could answer to my questions,” I didn't hide my disappointment.

  Again, silence. She only watched me, studied my movements. I wanted to help her, but I didn't know how I could. When she was sleeping, I knew that I had to wake her up. But now, when she only stares at everything...

  I folded my arms and tried to put a smile on my face, like encourage her to trust me, to believe that I could be her friend.

  Melody turned her eyes away from me.

  “I can I speak,” I heard her weak voice and that was a true surprise for me. I couldn't believe it was real. I thought I had just imagined that, but then Melody looked at me again. “But I don't know what you want to hear from me.”

  She really was speaking. But why only now? All these two days everyone tried to steal a word from her mouth, but everyone was greeted with disappointment.

  “You speak,” words escaped my mouth, before I could control my tongue.

  She nodded slowly and seemed herself astonished that she could speak.

  “Why only now?” I was curious.

  Melody took a deep breath.

  “I don't know,” she answered simply. “Maybe I didn't know what I could say,” she explained.

  “Even to your ...” I didn't know how to call him. So I decided to stick with his surname,” Mr. Spring?”

  She hesitated. Maybe she knew I would ask that, but hoped that I would do that later, when she would have a proper answer to that.

  “I don't know.”

  I could see from her face expression that she didn't want to talk about that. So, who was I to force her to speak about things which she doesn't want to? Yea, nothing.

  “You know you can trust me. Now, when I know you can speak, could you tell me if anything hurts? How do you feel?”

  She seemed confused. So was I. I didn't want to step back into my doctor's shoes, but I also didn't know about what else we could speak. So, I just decided to talk about things which I had to know.

  “I... I don't think so,” she tried to lift her right hand and she succeeded. “I don't feel pain, but I feel sometimes week. And sleepy...All those drugs...”

  “I don't know how you should feel and I won't even try to pretend that I do. But those drugs make sure you stay with us. And about you being weak...Well, you haven't moved for two years. Your muscles...”

  “I know. I used to study medicine in school,” she grinned. “You don't need to explained about me being...weak.”

  “Then you understand how difficult your...situation is?” She nodded reluctantly. “Of course, We will try to help you to get on you feet as quickly as possible,” I turned on a formal voice. She nodded again, but only barely. “Mr. Spring wants to see you healthy and ready to leave this hospital. He will be very happy when he will hear...”

  “No!” Melody said loudly and shoot her gaze at me. “I don't want him to...know I can speak,” she seemed intense and I started to wonder why. After all, Merdian was her beloved and she was his.

  “Why?” I asked and narrowed my eyes.

  “Because I am not ready,” she answered simply.

  “And you are ready to talk with me?”

  She nodded. “You are a doctor. You need to know about my condition. Therefore, I want to help you, but to make a deal, I want you to keep your mouth shut. Don't tell them I can speak,” her face was serious. It was a hint for me that we weren't in the market where we could bargain. It was her last word and I could only agree with her proposal.

  “Okay,” I agreed. “I won't tell him a word.”

  “Thank you,” she said. I could see how her body relaxed. She was worried that I won't agree with her offer.

  I quickly scanned the room before I asked the question which didn't give me peace since I had heard about her mysterious illness.

“What do you remember before you couldn't wake up?”

  “I don't want to speak about that,” she answered shortly.

  “Okay then,” I really wanted to know the answer to that, but I knew better than to push her to quickly. “Could you hear people's voice when you were in ...sleeping?”

  “Yes, I could.”

  My guess about that was confirmed. She could hear and that was why she was awaked. That was interesting.

  I narrowed my eyes a bit and took a deep breath. Her eyes were turned at me. Even if I liked to sunk in them, this time I just wanted to escape them, because I was afraid that my gaze would scare her or I would seem rude. After all, she was my patient. Nothing more and nothing else.

  I looked at my shoes. I should clean them.

  “Could you feel anything, for example, a touch?” I wondered.

  She turned her eyes away and stared at the white ceiling now. From her face expression I got the impression that she was pondering over something really serious or maybe even fighting with herself against something.

  I waited patiently for her answer which, I knew, I could never get. To Melody I was only her doctor, not her father to whom she must tell everything. She knew that. I knew that...but that didn't mean we both were happy about that. At least I wasn't.

  “I don't think you need to know that,” she said finally and tried to lift her head up, but she was too weak to do that and soon it dropped back on the pillow.

  I was sad seeing how powerless she was right now and that only stimulated me to find out what had happened to this girl. Really, this wasn't a typical situation. This girl was found unconscious. Then it turned out that she was in coma. Everyone tried to help her, but nothing worked. And now...

  I shook my head a bit in disappointment. Melody wasn't about to open herself to me. Of course, I understood why, but it still hurt my feelings. I only wanted to help her, and not to hurt.

  “Maybe you are right,” I said reluctantly.

  Her eyes were back on my, observing every inch of my body, like she wanted to draw me on a white paper sheet.

  “Merdian wants me to get out from this place,” she said, changing our topic.

  I nodded.

  “Yes, he wants,” I said coldly. I didn't mention that he also wanted to change doctors. Even If he was grateful that I brought his beloved back to life, he was still certain that I was too young and too inexperience to be Melody's doctor.

  I clenched my hands into fists unconsciously. That Merdian knew how to irritate me better than my own brother and that said a lot, because my brother actually knew me longer than him.

  Some part of me knew that this reason wasn't the main. No. Merdian just wanted me to be away from the person he loved. For some reason he felt threatened by me. Should he be? I didn't know. That I wanted to be with her, was truth. I wanted to spend every second with her.

  “How many days have I before he could take me?”

  I closed my eyes and took a small step away from the bed and her. I had to say only the number of days, but why did it feel like I was just putting a knife in my own body?

  “You don't want to leave?” I asked instead of answering.

  “Leave? Maybe. With Merdian? I don't know,” she sounded confused and suddenly I found myself wanting to sit on the bed and hold her hand.

  She put her palms on her face. Her breaths slowed down, giving me a sign that she was exhausted and could fall asleep at sleep at every second, but for my surprise, she was fighting to stay awake.

  “Are you alright?” I asked concerned and stepped closer to the bed.

  “Tired,” that was all she said and put her hand on her chest. I gave in to temptation and touch it. Of course, I tried to act like I had to touch her hand because of some kind of procedure, to check something. I didn't think that she would want me to be around her if she knew that I liked to be with her. It sounded creepy even for me.

  I felt an electricity from her hand. It spread in my body, hugging me. It felt so good that I wanted only more of it. Now I wanted to touch her face, but I didn't let my hands to move to that direction.

  Melody's eyes became bigger. Was it because of shock? Disgust? Or maybe pleasure? I didn't know. I pulled away my hand and stepped some steps away from her, like that electricity wasn't pleasant at all.

  “I am sorry,” I heard myself saying for some reason.

  “It's all right,” she said confused. Her eyes were running to her hand and to my face. She was trying to understand something. “How many days?” she repeated her question. Even if she registered that I didn't want to tell her that number, she decided to act like my feelings were nothing to her. She tried to be cold and indifferent while I tried to become her friend.

  “It depends on your condition,” I said in a formal tone. I tried to disguise my pain, but I doubted that I did a good job. I wasn't from those people who actually had a talent to become an actor one day.

  “It suits me,” she said and put a small smile on her face.

  She didn't say anything more. Melody just closed her eyes. That was her sign for me to leave her alone in this room in which she had spent two years.

  I quickly checked the computers, only to make sure that everything was okay. Then, I gave her another dose of medicine that her mysterious illness could not steal her from us again. Only then I left Melody alone in her room, trying to understand what was going on in that girl's head.


  He wanted to help me. That was all. But then why did I feel like there was something more?

  I opened my eyes and turned to see what was going on through the window. I wanted so much to leave this room and let my wings to take me away from this place. I missed so much of the wind, of the sun... I missed everything what made me happy.

  Unfortunately, I tried to control myself. Leaving this room would only mean that Merdian would protect me as his own eye; he would become my shadow.

  I tried again to put myself in a sitting position. It was a hard thing to do, actually. Even if my body was getting back to normal quite quickly after this sleep, it didn't mean that two years would be erased. It did damage to my body and I would feel it for the rest of my life.

  Somehow I managed to sit, my back was against the pillow. I was proud of myself at that moment.

  My eyes lowered to my hand which my doctor had touched. It felt so right, so good to feel his skin against mine. I even wanted him to touch my face or put his lips against mine. I wondered how I could feel when I kiss him. I knew that I liked to kiss Merdian. He was a good kisser. At least I thought he was, because I had never kissed anyone else. It was forbidden for me to kiss another guy while he couldn't kiss another girl. Fair enough.

  In my mind I promised myself not to open my mouth and say anything to anyone. At least until I would be strong enough to stand on my feet. But I changed my mind when I saw how miserable Caspar was when I didn't answer to his questions, when I didn't even try to open my mouth.

  Also, I wanted to talk with him. Of course, not about my state, Merdian or how I had ended up in this place. No. I just wanted... to be his friend. He wanted to be my friend too. At least I thought he wanted. But I knew that to be his friend wouldn't be right. Merdian wouldn't like that.

  And that electricity? No. It wasn't a good thing for us to be friends. It wasn't even right for him to be my doctor.

  The door opened. I shoot my eyes at the person who was standing next to the door and just staring at me. It was Mr. Spring. Like always, he was wearing a suit, he wore an expensive perfume. His face was wearing a poker- face. From his stance you could easily understand that he wasn't the man with whom you could bargain. He was the king and everyone else was his servants.

  “I see you are stronger today,” he said coldly.

  I didn't nod or give any kid of sign that I understood what he had told. I just stared at him, pretending to be the stupidest person in this world.

  “My son will come here soon,” he informed me as he walked closer to
the bed.

  I always felt uncomfortable in front of this person and I always avoided him like he was a plague. Maybe he was. After all, he was the person who decided who can live and who not. My father also was scared by this person. Only my mother felt safe in his presence, because she knew that he won't dare to hurt us.

  “How do you feel, Melody?” he asked me. His eyes were glued to me. I wanted to order him to look at something else, but instead of that, I just nodded, telling him that everything was okay.

  “Good, you understand what I am saying to you,” he pulled a small smile on his face. “That is some kind of progress.”

  He glanced at the bear on my bed. I could see in his eyes anger now. I didn't need to be a smart person to know why he was suddenly furious. After all, Merdian told me that during his visits here. He liked to mention me that his father was angry with me, that I was unconscious and no one knew why. That I was torturing his only son who loved me and wanted me to be with him. In other words, he wasn't happy that he was powerless to change anything, that he was forced to see how miserable his son was. To be honest, I was depressed. Even if I wasn't sure about my decision to be his forever, I still loved him and wanted him to be happy.

  “I will make sure that you would be on your feet as soon as possible,” Mr. Spring said, crossing his hands behind his back.

  I gulped and I was glad that he wasn't looking at me at that moment.

  I knew what Mr. Spring had in mind by saying that. He wanted me to be on my feet that his son could be happy again and give him heirs which would rule our society.

  “Mr. Offman did an excellent job in solving how to wake you up,” he continued. He approached slowly to the window. I felt jealous that he could stand there and see what was happening below. “I am only curious, what really happened to you that day.”

  I pressed my lips tightly. I could bet that they were even white. Everyone had to be wondering what really had happened to me, because I knew that I would be.

  Patrick stopped and took one long look at me, waiting for me to say something. I met his eyes, but kept my mouth shut. I really didn't have any kind of plans of telling them about that night and the devil. I even doubted that I could ever be brave enough to tell what a terrible thing I had done.