Devouring love Read online

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  I was waked up by a ringing phone. I hated that invention sometimes.

  I opened my eyes and started to search for that thing. I found it on the ground. On the screen I saw my brother's name. I didn't know if I should be happy or mad that he was calling me...when? At twelve o'clock. Dammit, I slept away. My alarm clock wasn't able to wake me up. How it seemed, I was really tired.

  “Hello,” I said still drowsy.

  “Good morning,” my brother said in a teasing tone. “You know that you should be in the hospital and be my teacher?” I imagined him putting a wide grin on his face.

  “You are starting from today?” I yawned. I needed more sleep.

  “Yes, today is the big day. Where are you? Why have I to stay next to your locked cabinet?” he was giving one question after another.

  “It was a hard day,” I answered simply and tried to leave my warm bed, but it was difficult. That event with Melody, Katherine...

  “Really? I think it will be only harder, because there is an angry client of yours waiting for you to come,” he said.

  “Client?” I didn't understand. My only client was Miss Melody, who really wasn't able to wait for me next to my cabinet. Maybe he was one of the Spring?

  “Yes,” he said in serious tone. “He is young,” my brother added. That was enough for me to understand who that client was. Mr. Merdian Spring was waiting for me and I was late. Great. I was in a huge trouble.

  “I will be there as soon as possible.”

  I put my phone down and quickly started to do things which I had to be done hours ago. But I really needed to get some sleep. Maybe Merdian would understand that. After all, I saved his girl. He should be thankful about that at least.

  After one hour I was standing in front of my cabinet door. My brother was next to me with a huge grin on his face. I wanted to erase it from his face, but I also was glad that he was here in a good mood. I really needed to be with someone who wasn't frowning or serious all the time.

  “Where is my client?” I asked as I unlocked me cabinet door and let him inside.

  Nick had taken some minutes to scan my cabinet before he opened his mouth to answer. He was surprised to see how big my new cabinet was comparing to the last one. He also noticed that only one file lied on my table next to many books about deep sleep and coma.

  “New hobby?” he asked in a teasing tone.

  “Where is he?” I asked, not hiding that I was tired and didn't want to play his silly games.

  “He told me he will be with you patient or something like that,” he announced not even glancing at me.

  “Okay, I will go and find him while you stay here and do nothing.”

  He nodded. I was relieved that he didn't say anything and let me go so easily.

  I found Merdian sitting next to Melody. I also noticed two new men standing next to the door. They only let me inside when I showed them my card on my chest. Mr. Spring didn't want to give any opportunity for people to hurt Melody again. Maybe now I understood why the guard was here in the first place. The Spring family was really powerful family not only in the city, but in the country or maybe event in the world. So it wasn't surprise that maybe someone would want to harm them

  “Good day, Mr. Spring,” I greeted Merdian.

  He looked at me for one second and then let his eyes return to the girl who was peacefully lying on the bed like a corpse. Her skin seemed even paler that it used to. I noted in my mind that I should order nurses to massage her body.

  “Where were you?” he asked in a serious tone. Also, I heard a complain in his voice.

  “At home. Taking a rest. That even...”

  “You need to awake her,” he was controlling his voice. “I want her back, Mr. Offman. My family hired you because you are the best. But what I can see now, is that you only are pretending to do everything in order to give her back to me,” I noticed that he squeezed her hand.

  “I am only a human, Mr. Spring, and I am doing everything what I can do.”

  “No you are not,” he didn't agree with me. “If you had done that, she would have awaked and not still ...sleeping.”

  I didn't know what to say to that. One part of me wanted to argue with him while another one wanted to agree. But in the end I decided to keep my mouth shut. It was pointless to talk with him when he was still in a bad mood. I understood that he was in pain to be so close and at the same time so far from the girl he was in love with.

  I nodded, thinking it would give Mr. Spring what he wanted. I was right. He wanted me to prove him that I wasn't as good as everyone thought I was. I was only some kind of a young man who had a really good memory.

  “If it be my decision, I would fire you, but my father thinks you can do what others can't. So, prove it to me or I will make your live a hell,” and he stood up and left me alone in the room with a girl.

  His words let me see how small I really was in front of him. Mr. Spring really had power to control my life. And if he controlled mine, he would control my mother and brother's. I couldn't let that happened.

  I came closer the bed and touched the girl's arm. It even felt colder than previous time. It wasn't a good sign. She was slowly passing away and even all those devices, which the Spring could buy, won't help her.

  I didn't know how long I stood next to the girl when I heard Nick's angry voice behind the door. I walked out only to see how guards ordered Nick to walk away.

  “Everything is okay,” I assured guards. “He is a student. He is here to help me,” I told them and waved my hand to the room that my brother could enter. He did that lifting his chin up thing, like showing them that they didn't have right to order him.

  “I was bored,” Nick quickly said when I closed the door and stared at him. “On the table was this...girl's file,” he walked closer to the bed and took a good look at my patient. “She is pretty,” he announced and touched her hand like I had done before.

  “She is pretty and very sick,” I crossed my hand next to my chest.

  “She has been in coma for two years now,” Nick said, letting his fingers to rest on her cheek.

  “Don't touch her,” I warned my brother. “That guy which you have seen earlier is her boyfriend and he isn't a polite person.”

  Nick removed his fingers and shrugged.

  “The Spring family is your clients,” Nick glanced at me. “The richest family let you have a girl? Why? After all, they can hire hundreds of doctors and let them have her,” he seemed genuinely surprised.

  “I don't want to talk about that,” I informed him. “And since you are here, help me to massage her body. It seems too pale and is too cold.”

  “She is dying? Why?” he didn't understand and I was not in mood to discuss that.

  “Just do what I have said,” I ordered and soon we both were splitting the girl's body in two. It was strange to do what we were doing, but at the same time it was the best activity for me.

  “You know, I have never seen such pretty girl,” Nick said suddenly. I lifted my eyes up at him, not understanding what he was saying.

  “Yes, she is pretty,” I agreed in the end.

  “How do you think, will someone noticed if someone give her some love?”

  I opened my eyes widely. I knew he was only teasing me like he always did, but he shouldn't act like this here, in this room.

  “Stop, Nick,” I said in a cold tone, giving him a clear sign that she should drop this topic, but he didn't want to.

  “Just look how beautiful she is. We could share her. I would be the first and you could be the second. I have never had a sleeping beauty in my hands, but I don't think it will be very different from a girl who isn't sleeping,” he continued, ignoring my warning. “You know, I even had read a story somewhere that a sleeping beauty was waken up when she gave a birth to her child. Maybe she could open her eyes when she will hear her child crying.”

  I was about to open my mouth and tell him a few very polite
words, when a computer beeped. I glanced at the screen and noticed that her heart beats rate increased. Also, I noticed that her brain activity changed too and it was in a good way.

  “Of course, it would be difficult to explain the child, but I will take my chances for having that girl in my hands,” Nick was talking. He didn't noticed what the computers were showing. He was in his own world while I was staring at the numbers which were telling me that this girl was...what? She wasn't dying. She was living.

  “How many times would you like to have her?” suddenly I heard myself asking.

  Nick still was in his teasing mode and still didn't realize what was happening.

  “I am sure that one will be not enough.”

  And like proving his words, he put his fingers on the girl's face. I noticed that, but I didn't say anything. I just stared at the numbers which were only increasing.

  And then something happened. The girl opened her eyes, revealing a blue color. She stared at Nick who seemed astonished and jumped a few steps back. I looked at the girl. Her eyes were spreading fear and surprised. She was surprised.

  She turned her head a little and our eyes met. She seemed relieved. I touched her arm and leaned closer. I let myself sink in her eyes. But suddenly she lowered her eyes to where my hand touched her skin, before she closed them. The numbers on the screen started declining until they dropped to the numbers which always were gleaming on the screen.

  “What the hell?” Nick asked and looked at me.

  I was surprised too. She opened her eyes. It was an achievement. But was it a good or bad thing? I didn't know, but I intended to find out. For some reason I wanted to sink again in those twoo blue lakes.

  “She was awaked,” I said. I couldn't believe it really had happened.

  “What have just happened?” Nick wanted to hear an explanation. I wanted one too. Nothing had helped to wake her up. So, why did she open her eyes now? I really didn't believe it was because of the event this night. There was another reason.

  I looked at my brother who was staring at the girl and then I realized something. He was teasing me some minutes ago. He was talking about sex. Maybe somehow... she could hear. My brother's words made some kind of effect on her and raised her heart beeps. It was a good discovery. Maybe it could help me to wake her up entirely.

  “Come with me, Nick,” I said to my brother. He didn't ask me why we should leave and I was glad that he didn't do that. If the girl could hear us, then this room wasn't a good place to discuss what had happened if I wanted to repeat this success.

  We went to my cabinet in silence. Nick noticed that I suddenly was lost in my thoughts. And I really was. It was a huge step forward. The girl could really awake. I wondered what Mr. Merdian Spring could tell when I would give him this news. Would he be happy or sad?

  I didn't care at that moment. My thoughts one way or another somehow managed all the time to return back to her blue eyes.

  “Maybe you can tell me what the hell had just happened?” my brother decided that I had enough time to ponder about that event.

  We both sat next to the table. I put my hands on it, trying to find the right words to start this conversation.

  “I don't know,” I said in the end and looked straight to my brother's face.

  He frowned.

  “I read her file while you were gone. It didn't mention about ...things like this one,” he said in disgust.

  I nodded. It really didn't mention that. It only told to everyone that the girl was only a beautiful statue at which everyone would like to stare for hours. It was a pity that this beauty was not able to live a life she had to.

  “It is a progress,” I said honestly.

  “But how have you agreed in the first place? Really? The Spring family?“ He seemed genuinely surprised by that fact. I could say I was too.

  “They are rich and powerful,” I answered simply like this could explain why I decided to be that girl's doctor. But deep inside me I knew that the reason wasn't because it was the Spring family. It was because of the girl.

  “But you know that you shouldn't annoy them. So many gossip is about that family. One of them is saying that they can kill whatever they like if the person managed to rile them.”

  I lifted my eyebrows. My brother really knew how to cheer me up.

  The problem was that I knew where I put my head. After all, I had heard all those rumors about this family too before I accepted their offer.

  “Well, how I know, I am doing a great job, so I don't need to be afraid of them,” I said and took Miss Melody's file into my hands. I opened it and found a blank page on which I quickly noted to myself about my new discovery. The girl could hear.

  “And what happened to your other patients?” my brother didn't want to let us both be in the silence. He wanted to chat.

  “The Spring family ordered me to ditch them,” I confessed. “They want the girl to open her eyes. Two years is a long time,” I took a deep breath.

  “How do you think, why did she suddenly open her eyes?” he was wondering as he leaned back on his chair.

  “I guess she heard our conversation,” I answered without hiding anything.

  “Heard?” he put his finger on his chin. “She is a virgin I presume,” he grinned.

  I didn't answer to that. I didn't need to know that kind of information.

  “Mr. Merdian Spring told me she is a shy person, but I didn't believe that only some words could have such a great effect over her. We need to try it again and this time don't let her to close her eyes until we will make sure she won't come back to that stage.”

  “You said shy,” he heard only what he wanted to hear. I rolled my eyes. That was my Nick which I loved and hated at the same time.

  “And how we see, her shyness will help us to bring her back to the life.”


  Strange. That was the word which described how I felt when two men started to touch my body. But what was even funnier, that only one of theirs touches I could feel. They belonged to the doctor. I felt his warm fingers against my skin and I liked that, although I didn't understand how I could feel them now. I had spent two years not feeling anyone's body warm. So, why now? What had changed?

  I didn't have the answer to that question, but I wished I could have. Unfortunately, there wasn't anyone I could ask what was happening. Even my devil didn't come to see how things were working for me. Although I thought a lot about him.

  I tried to listen to my doctor and other person. After all, I didn't know what else I could do and it seemed to be a good activity after almost leaving this world. It was really strange to think that I was so close from leaving this world, from leaving Merdian and my little sister.

  Annabelle... I missed her voice. Merdian brought her to me sometimes, but only to prove that she didn't remember me. If I didn't wake up soon, I would be a stranger in her life. I didn't want to be a alien in my sister's life.

  I tried to shake thoughts about my sister away. I could think about her later when I be alone in this room and I won't have anything to do. Right now there were two men next to me and having a conversation.

  I tried to focus on what each of them were saying when that stranger's words suddenly begun to scare me. He was talking about using my lifeless body for his pleasure? It was gross and on the same time really scary. I didn't know who they were, although I doubted that my doctor would do what his friend was suggesting, because Merdian would kill him for even having these kind of ideas in his head. But that other guy? He sounded confident and serious. He wasn't kidding.

  I felt how fear started to grow inside me. I was scared. Really scared. Comparing this fear to fear which I felt when Kate was with me in the same room, was nothing. Just a really weak emotion.

  I felt how my weak heart was pounding in my chest more and more. It almost seemed like it wanted to escape from my body.

  I heard how computers started to beep, proving me that my heard really was alive. Was it a good or a bad thing?
  And then I felt how I could control my body. It belonged to me again. That was strange.

  I opened my eyes and saw two young men in front of me. On, who was taking about sex, jumped back and stared at me in fear. Another one seemed surprised. I was in the same condition too, but not this was so choking to me. It was the fact that my doctor was a good looking man.

  Our eyes met and I felt how something shifted inside me, proving that my body wasn't just my coffin anymore. It was my body which belonged to me again.

  I lowered my eyes to see his fingers on my skin. I didn't imagine him touching me. I really could feel it; his warm skin against mine. That was a new thing.

  And then suddenly someone started to pull be back to the darkness, back to place from which I wanted to run away. I tried to keep my eyes open, but it was no use. My eyelids hid the world from my eyes and soon my body was stolen from me. My heart stopped beating in my chest wildly and I hated that.

  I tried to open my eyes again, but it didn't work. I was doomed to be in the darkness again. At least I saw...colors again. And people. I only hoped that I would soon open my eyes and be a living person again.

  Please, save me, I begged in my mind. That new doctor did something and it worked. For the first time I had a hope to leave the darkness and I would do everything to help the doctor. I would fight. Fight, I tell you.


  My brother decided to leave me alone and take a tour around the hospital. I didn't argue about that. I needed some time to be alone with my own thoughts.

  I knew I should call to Merdian immediately and tell him some great news, but I didn't hurry to do that. I wanted to let this thing settle down in my head. It seemed so unrealistic. She opened her eyes. She really did that. Wow.

  I stood up and started picking books one after another from my table. I browsed through all of them, trying to find ideas how to force her to be consciousness. I needed to find some kind of medicine to make sure that I would reach my goal.